Never taken a Goat Yoga Class before?
We’re here to help answer your questions.
Our address is:
Potentially. Goats love to climb as you can see on some pictures in our photo section. And while it is limited that they climb on people, they have before, so you must be prepared for the possibility.
You are on a farm, so anything is possible, although not probably. If they start squatting, get out of the way!
Yes, please follow the link to purchase yours today.
Yes. We provide private events at the farm or mobile for Corporate Health & Wellness, bachelorette parties, birthdays etc. Please email us or our events team directly at [email protected] or visit our Private Events page.
Our goats have never bitten or headbutted a human. However, they have a tendency to nibble on things. Do not put your fingers in their mouths. We also recommend you do not wear jewelry.
For the most part, goats are very calm animals. If you are quiet and calm, they will most likely walk around amongst you as they are social animals. They like to be pet and may graze or lay down next to you. However, they are also a tad anxious at first. Quick movements, loud noises, etc… will get them to walk or run away. They may also play with each other, headbutt each other, run or jump. Occasionally, they may climb on you, or put their hooves on you, or paw at you to get you to pet them.
No. In an effort to keep the goats calm and not disrupt the class, there are no photos during class. However, we allow people to come 15 minutes early and stay 15 minutes late to capture pictures with their favorite goats.
No. For the privacy of the class, and due to special considerations, we only allow paid patrons to classes. If you would like to schedule a private time to hang with, tour, or play with goats and take pictures, that can be arranged with us.
If you desire to cancel your class and receive a full refund, we require the cancellation 1 week in advance or more so that we have time to fill the space. Cancellations less than one week, but greater than 48 hours, will be provided a different goat yoga class in exchange. Cancellations less than 48 hours will not receive a refund or a voucher for a new class.
If the Gray Hobby Farm has to cancel class due to inclement weather, instructor illness, or any other emergency, all participants will be given a voucher for another class. The Gray Hobby Farm will notify all attendees as soon as possible as to the situation, and will follow up via email or text to get you signed up for another class. If the situation occurs after Labor Day, attendees will have the option to receive a full refund for the class.
We typically have between 11 and 20 goats depending on how many babies are born in the spring.
We have multiple instructors: Bios are available of them on our goat yoga page of the website. They are all certified Yoga instructors and love goats. We recognize that goats can be a little unpredictable in their behavior, but the quality of our instruction is top notch
At this time, we hold classes on Monday and Wednesday evenings, as well Saturday mornings. Private events can be scheduled based on instructor availability.
We prefer people us the restroom before they arrive, however, we understand that emergencies happen. Ask the owners or the instructors if you need a bathroom as we have one in our home, and one in our camper. Since classes are only an hour in length, it is ideal if you use the restroom before arriving so that class isn’t interrupted.
No. You do not need a yoga mat. We provide mats. Goats have a tendency to want to nibble on them and they may get dirty. Using our mats is perfectly acceptable. Our mats are sanitized daily after classes.
Dress for the elements as you will be outside. Loose clothing is enticing to nibble on for the goats. Items like strings from a hooded sweatshirt, baggy clothes, gloves, etc… might get you more attention, but trust me, it gets annoying after a while.
Yes. We have been fortunate to never have a situation of animal to human illness transmission, but anything is possible. If you use the sanitizer after class, please do not touch the goats again after doing so. Washing your hands with antibacterial soap before you leave home is all we ask before visiting the goats. Note: We do not use hand sanitizer for ourselves. We have always used soap and water. However, we note personal preferences of many who may prefer hand sanitizer.
Yes. We have never had a goat rip out an earring, but it is entirely possible. So please remove jewelry for safety reasons, and for the sake of not losing valuable items as we do not take responsibility for lost, stolen, or eaten items. We also recommend putting your hair back if you have longer hair.
You are welcome to bring your own water but it must remain outside the goat enclosure. Please ask if you desire a bottle of water
Yes. Please feel free to come 15 minutes early to get acquainted with the goats. Please do not enter the goat area until accompanied by the instructor or the owners. Entering without a familiar face will alarm the goats, and they will most likely be averse to human interaction for the remainder of the class. You can also stay after, take pictures, ask questions, etc…
No. We ask people to wear as few smellable items as possible. Perfume or colognes that get on the babies may alarm the mom into rejecting her baby. So please no strong scents in class.
Remain calm, and make slow movements, the goats typically will head your way at some point. They like to be pet like a dog, and sometimes like scratching under the chin or behind ears.
Fast movements, loud noises, touching them on or near their hind ends, will all get them to go away. They don’t like patting on the top of their head, or touching on their muzzles.
We can guarantee you will get a great yoga class from a certified instructor with lots of experience. The goats, however, are different for every class. Goats may be loving and snuggly, or active with each other. They may interact with people or keep their distance. But everyone will get to spend time with goats, at their leisure, before or after class as well.
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